
The Think.Change initiative is working to build a culture of support and acceptance in the region.

Research demonstrates that increasing emotional well-being, decreasing misinformation about mental illness, improving access to timely treatment, showing that recovery from mental illness is possible, and increasing community support and inclusion will lead to decreased social isolation and an improved culture of support and acceptance.

View Strategy Brief (English)

View Strategy Brief (Español)


Awarded Grants

Project Title Organization Grant Amount
Equitable Approaches to Build Community Mental Health Resilience Big Brothers Big Sisters of El Paso $80,117.95
PLENA-MENTE Centro Caritativo para atencion de Enfermos de Sida A. C. $95,000.00
NAMI Stigma Reduction Rolling On Dona Ana County Health & Human Services $146,758.00
Strong Families Community Change Initiative El Paso Center for Children, Inc. $43,967.00
People Empower El Paso (PEEP) Project Family Service of El Paso, Inc. $207,805.68
Autism PEERS New Mexico State University Foundation, Inc. $66,225.64
Colonias Project Cares Texas A&M University $97,845.00
Pensamientos y Platicas: A Mental Health Engagement Program The University of Texas at El Paso $55,379.00

Regional Behavioral Health Consortia

Behavioral Healthcare Systems Assessments in the region confirm the need for increased communication, coordination, and collaboration among providers of behavioral health services. The Health Foundation and regional leaders have taken important steps to coordinate community partner collaboration and integration of behavioral health services into the primary care setting. These new collaborative structures are paving the way for better patient navigation and continuity of care that allows people to access services and find support where and when they need them. The Health Foundation serves as a neutral facilitator to foster and maintain collaborative structures and explore ways to catalyze or strengthen Consortia informed interventions.

Foundation Staff: Sandra Day

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Healthy Paso del Norte
ROTMENAS - Ciudad Juárez

Regional Behavioral Health Consortia

Awarded Grants

Project Title Organization Grant Amount
Improving Systems to Improve Care: Building a Culture of CIT in Alamogordo City of Alamogordo $151,731.00
Impulsando un Sistema de Salud Mental Eficaz in Cd. Juarez Comision de Salud Fronteriza Mexico-Estados Unidos $144,901.56
Local Collaborative 3 (LC3) Families and Youth, Inc $169,041.00
The Paso del Norte Center at The Meadows Mental Health Policy Institute Meadows Mental Health Policy Institute for texas $1,500,000.00
Help Me Grow El Paso: Neurodevelopmental Workforce Capacity Building Paso del Norte Children's Development Center $68,750.00

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