
La Semilla Teacher Knowledge Exchange and Gardening

February 20, 2024

La Semilla’s Edible Education Team recently hosted their 2nd Teacher Knowledge Exchange at Crockett Elementary. Teachers learned how to cultivate a school garden with hands-on skills from planting to harvesting and classroom cooking.

The Paso del Norte Health Foundation funds the Edible Education program that aims to provide gardening, nutrition, and cooking training to at least 1,500 students, teachers, and families in El Paso and Doña Ana County, New Mexico. La Semilla Food Center is a 501(c)3 nonprofit organization based in Anthony, New Mexico, that fosters a healthy, self-reliant, fair, and sustainable food system in the Paso del Norte region of southern New Mexico and El Paso and is committed to building strong relationships and creating empowering spaces for youth and families to grow and cook good food, create positive change, and foster connections among food, health, and local economies. For more information on La Semilla Food Center and its programs, visit

PDNHF Initiative: Healthy Eating

A high-quality diet with appropriate daily caloric intake provides essential nutrients, helps people maintain a healthy weight, and decreases their risk of chronic diseases such as obesity, type 2 diabetes, hypertension, and cancer. Evidence associates healthy eating with better health outcomes; however, many people do not consume the daily recommended levels of nutritious foods, such as fruits and vegetables, that make up a healthy diet. The Health Foundation’s focus in the Healthy Eating initiative is educational programs, such as nutrition and cooking classes, that influence behavior in selecting, preparing, cooking, and eating healthy foods and policy and promotion activities that encourage healthy eating.

View Strategy Brief (English)

View Strategy Brief (Español)

Foundation Staff: Jana Renner

Healthy Eating

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