
PDNF Challenge Fund: Increasing Resources to improve well-being

November 17, 2015

November wraps up the second year of the Paso del Norte Foundation’s Challenge Fund program. The PDNF started the Challenge Fund program in 2014 with a generous grant from the Paso del Norte Health Foundation to inspire new and increased gifts through a wide-range of sponsored events and appeals. In these first two years, the Challenge Fund program has inspired nearly $1.8 million in gifts from over 3,000 individuals, corporations and foundations as part of 36 different events and appeals raising and returning nearly $2.7 million to charitable organizations in El Paso, Ciudad. Juárez and…

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Archive Initiative - Herbal Safety

November 10, 2015

Herbal Safety – 2001 - 2004

Herbal medicine is the oldest form of healthcare known to mankind. Throughout the past two decades, the United States saw a dramatic increase in the use of complementary and alternative medicine, including herbal supplements.

To better inform the community on the safety of herbal products, a partnership was formed between the Paso del Norte Health Foundation and the UTEP/University of Texas at Austin Cooperative Pharmacy Program. Educational products were developed through this partnership, including the development of a bilingual website and a guidebook…

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Great turnout for REALIZE Board Event

November 5, 2015

Thank you to all those that participated in the REALIZE Board event on November 4, 2015 with Dr. Les Wallace presenting on Principles of 21st Century Goverence.

If you are interested in learning about future REALIZE Board events, contact Juanita Galaviz at

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Creative Kids helping disconnected youth in Fabens, TX

October 21, 2015

Of course you’ve heard of Creative Kids Inc. Who hasn’t? The award-winning visual arts education program has been recognized by the White House, named THE model after-school program in the state of Texas, and will be reaching new heights by sharing its program strategies throughout the state.

The Paso del Norte Health Foundation is a partner through the IGNITE Initiative and it’s funding the Creative Kids’ Project ABLE (Art Brokers Learning Experiences), an after-school and summer visual arts education program for youth ages 7-to-18 in Fabens, TX. This program that was the Texas…

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Celebrating National Health Education Week

October 21, 2015

In celebration of National Health Education Week, four Certified Health Education Specialists (CHESs) share their reasons for obtaining national certification as health education specialists, the value of national credentialing to their employers, and the career development benefits of National Commission for Health Education Credentialing certification. Perspectives from the field: Certified Health Education Specialists on the Value of Health Education Credentialing. Four of the five authors work with Paso del Norte Health Foundation’s initiatives.

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2016-2017 RFP for A Smoke Free Paso del Norte

October 17, 2015

Paso del Norte Health Foundation is pleased to invite eligible agencies to submit proposals through a competitive process for funding of Priority Area 2 - Tobacco and Alcohol Control through A Smoke Free Paso del Norte Initiative (SFI). Successful applicants will propose evidence-based programs that contribute to SFI’s comprehensive and coordinated approach to reduce tobacco use in the Paso del Norte region.

For more information, contact Jana Renner, Associate Program Officer at 915-544-7636 or

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PdN Health Information Exchange - Executive Director

October 16, 2015

Executive Director

Master’s degree in healthcare management or information management preferred.
Management experience required. Visit to review job description or to learn more about HIE.

Click here to download job description.

Submit resume with cover letter to:

Sylvia Soto

No phone calls or drop-ins, please.

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Join us as we launch the Robert H. Hoy REALIZE Board Program

October 16, 2015

Attention Board Members!

Join us in celebrating the launch of the

Robert H. Hoy REALIZE Board Program

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PdNHF staffer graduates from recognized binational leadership program

October 15, 2015

Nohemi Rubio, Associate Program Officer from the Paso del Norte Health Foundation graduates from the Leaders across the Borders leadership development program organized by the U.S. – Mexico Border Health Commission. The graduation ceremony was held on October 9, 2015 in Phoenix, Arizona. Ms. Rubio was one of 11 individuals selected from throughout the country to participate in the program. She was the only representative for El Paso.

Ms. Rubio was able to complete and present a binational communications protocol design describing best communication practices and a code of conduct that…

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Archived Initiative- Begin at Birth

October 8, 2015

Begin at Birth (2000 – 2008)

The family plays a vital role in the health of a child. Nurturing and caring for loved ones at any age contributes too many benefits that lead to positive health outcomes. The Begin at Birth Initiative (B@B) focused on raising public awareness on the importance of the first three years of life for a child – not only their academic achievement, but also their health, safety and overall well-being. Priority was placed on improving quality of child care centers, providing parent education, and engaging fathers in the lives of their children.

B@B also provided…

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