
Tracy Yellen named CEO for Paso del Norte Health Foundations

January 9, 2016

The Paso del Norte Health Foundation’s (PdNHF) board of directors today announced the appointment of Tracy Yellen as the Chief Executive Officer (CEO) for the Paso del Norte Health Foundation and its affiliated foundations. Yellen comes to the PdNHF with extensive experience in the bi-national non-profit arena, having most recently served as the President of the Paso Del Norte Foundation.

“I am deeply heartened to have been entrusted with the task of continuing the life-changing work the Paso del Norte Health Foundation is known for doing. I look forward to working alongside the…

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Social Host Ordinance takes effect in Luna County

January 7, 2016

Members of the Shift + network are celebrating as Luna County’s Board of Commissioners unanimously passed a Social Host Ordinance that will allow law enforcement to cite individuals of a gathering where underage drinking occurs.

Shift+ is an initiative of the Paso del Norte Health Foundation and has been working with individuals from the U.S./Mexico border to reduce underage drinking and binge drinking of all ages in the Paso del Norte region.

Click here to read more from the…

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Residents of Puerto Palomas, Chihuahua, Mexico celebrate their new community sports center.

January 5, 2016

Through the power of partnership with the Border Partners and the Paso del Norte Health Foundation, an unfinished building was renovated into a sports complex. Children and their families in the area now have a place to be physically active and have fun.

To learn more, click here.

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Cristina Arias joins the Foundation as Director of Accounting and IT

December 23, 2015

The Paso del Norte Health Foundation is pleased to welcome Cristina Arias as the new Director of Accounting and IT.

Ms. Arias will oversee the financial and bookkeeping services, preparation of financial statements and analysis budgets, governmental reports and payroll. She will also serve as the liaison between the Foundation’s IT contractor and staff.

Ms. Arias has over eight years of accounting and management experience. She holds a bachelor of Business Administration in Accounting from the University of Texas at El Paso.

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Check out the PdNHF December Newsletter

December 18, 2015

The Paso del Norte Health Foundation’s December Newsletter is now available.

Click here to view.

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El Paso Behavioral Health Consortium brings all the players to the table

December 16, 2015

El Paso County leaders are working to transform the current behavioral healthcare system into an ideal, accessible, person-centered behavioral health system of care. To tackle this daunting and complex task the El Paso Behavioral Health Consortium was formed.

Its first step was to do an in-depth assessment to understand services being provided and the organizations providing them. This 8 month process resulted was an extensive report including analyzed data on needs and local resources, interviews with over 50 community leaders, clinicians and stakeholders and recommendations for action…

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PdNHF partner Meadows Mental Health Policy Institute announces new CEO

December 3, 2015

The Paso del Norte Health Foundation (PdNHF) is pleased to share the announcement of Andrew Keller, PhD. as the new CEO for Meadows Mental Health Policy Institute (MMHPI). MMHPI traces its origins to the vision of The Meadows Foundation and its philanthropic leadership throughout the State of Texas on mental health issues.

PdNHF and MMHPI have worked together on many projects related to mental health in the region. Dr. Keller was instrumental in providing support for PdNHF’s Think.Change Initiative and the El Paso Behavioral Health Consortium. Today, Sharon Butterworth, mental health…

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2016 Healthy Eating Active Living - Letter of Intent

November 30, 2015

The Paso del Norte Health Foundation (PdNHF) is pleased to invite eligible agencies to submit Letters of Intent (LOI) under the Paso del Norte Health Foundation’s Priority Area: Healthy Eating and Active Living (HEAL). Applicants are encouraged to download and read the HEAL Strategic Plan. After LOI review, selected agencies will be invited to submit a full proposal. Eligible applicants include nonprofit tax-exempt organizations, including churches and units of government, located in the Paso del Norte region.

Deadlines & Schedule:

 •   Letters of Intent due to Foundation:...
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Happy Thanksgiving - 2015

November 18, 2015

Thanksgiving is a special time of the year to give THANKS.

Click here for a special message from the Paso del Norte Health Foundation

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Celebrating 15 years of reducing the rates of smoking in the region

November 18, 2015

“A day that I don’t smoke is like a year of life to me,” says Julie Crest, who works at the Don Haskins Recreation Center. “The Paso del Norte Health Foundation helped me save my life.”

Fifteen years after A Smoke-Free Paso del Norte was launched, Julie’s sentiment is echoed by thousands of former smokers who have found the strength and resources to quit, thanks to this signature initiative of the Paso del Norte Health Foundation.

But don’t think the work is done. Even with all the measurable success, there is still plenty to do in addressing the needs of individual smokers, the…

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